Tuesday, June 5, 2007

MEET YOUR NEIGHBORS: Beverly Michelson

My name is Beverly Michelsen.

My hobbies besides gardening are reading, camping, and sewing. I love my church and my church family, and now my new friends from OTCG are pretty special.

Originally I heard about the OTCG meeting in our water bill back in January. I decided to see if there was a trick to gardening in TX because it's a big challenge! I was raised on a farm in southern MO and even through we had lots of rocks our soil was very good.

I have tried for over 15 years here in TX to garden and some years are good and some were very sad!

I have two plots and in them I have several kinds of tomatoes (and worms), peppers, yellow squash, cucumbers, and flowers.

I am hoping to be able to supply CCA with a lot of veggies as well as my own family.

I have learned a lot about TX gardening from everyone especially Al and Gary. Also I was happy to learn about composting.

Beverly also serves on the OTCG Executive Committee as Historian. Stop by and get to know Beverly; her two garden plots are directly behind the arbor.

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