Sunday, July 29, 2007

Garden Donations to the CCA Food Pantry

To date, Maureen reports that more than 100 pounds of produce has been donated to the CCA Food Pantry from the OTCG!

In spite of unusual rains that have presented various garden problems, that is a wonderful contribution!

Thanks Gardeners!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Nelda's SUN Report (AND REMINDER)

Thursday - 7/5/07: Finally 24 hours without rain. The sunshine yesterday afternoon was really nice to see. I hope everyone got out to enjoy it. I picked 3 tomatoes and 2 squash this morning and if we get some more sunshine we should have more tomatoes ready to pick in a day or two.
JULY TOTAL: 2.2 inches



If you can not get out to check your garden, please ask someone else! Some of the veggies are ripe and need to be picked! Please don't let the produce waste! If you do not want it, please see that it is donated to the CCA Food Pantry where it will help those who cannot afford nutritious foods at conventional grocery stores!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Nelda's Rain Report: Wednesday (Happy 4th of July!)

Wednesday - 7/4/07: A short walk to the garden this morning showed that we received 1.2 inches of rain yesterday afternoon and it looks like we are going to get more today. Hopefully everyone will be able to get to their garden sometime soon because many people have some produce that needs picking.

Short disclaimer for those who ask: The rainfall that I report is from 7:00 am to 7:00 am; so it may not match with the official DFW rainfall which goes from Midnight to 11:59 pm. -- I'm too lazy to go to the garden every night at midnight to check the rain gauge.

JULY TOTAL: 2.2 inches

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Nelda's Rain Report: Tuesday

Tuesday - 7/3/07: A light rain fell around 8:00 pm last night but only brought a trace of rain to the garden. This morning's walk to the garden was quick because the mesquitoes have returned. Garden A/1 has a nice crop of tomatoes on the vines. Hopefully we can get some sunshine soon so they can ripen.
JULY TOTAL: 1 inches

Monday, July 2, 2007

Nelda's Rain Report: Monday

Monday - 7/2/07: Another night of rain brings us .8 inches since Sunday morning. Although a little soggy now, if we can get some sunshine, I think everything will spring back up. The sunflowers are really beginning to open up. I noticed this morning that Dana (B4) has 3 sunflowers on one stalk. Also Andrea's (B1) row of sunflowers are blooming and will be open soon.
JULY TOTAL: 1.0 inches

Sunday - 7/1/07: This morning the sun was shining when Gary and I walked to the garden. We took a few minutes to sit on the new picnic benches and enjoy the birds singing in the trees nearby. During the night, we received another .2 inches.
JULY TOTAL: .2 inches