Our new arbor.

Al, Beverly, Amanda, and Dave prepare for the festivities.

Carlene, Jessica, Crystal, Gary, Lin, and Dana enjoy the fellowship of the morning.

Amanda has nicknamed Gary (shown above) and Al (shown below) The Bug Guys --in honor of their helpful knowledge of identifying good and bad bugs-- and made them these great looking buttons.

Eileen adds last minute prep to some of the gardens.

Amanda organizes the T-shirts and Door Prizes.

Scott welcomes gardeners and guests and shares the vision of the garden.

Diane and Michael, our newest gardeners.

Lori, OTCG Chairman, introduces the garden executive committee.

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony!

Lisa, Kelly, and the invaluable/hard-working/fun-spirited Maureen-our CCA garden liaison.

Kelly enjoys the morning fun.

Carlene's first year at gardening is off to a great start! She is applying all the tips she's learning from the experienced gardeners; and her garden is proof that even a beginner can have an awesome garden!

Julie and Laura survey their garden.

Dave and Alva...known for the 'come back' garden and the one week miracle that happened after they applied the garden tips Al gave them in a training session.

Al, Amanda, Dave, and Gary model the new garden t-shirts.

Jeff announcing the winners of the raffle prizes.

The compost pile is cooking at 160 degrees!

Connie Smith and Jessica...working on the Girl Scout's plot -- 15 hours to go for that Bronze patch!

CCA Chaplain Paul, Dennis and Beverly Michelson.

Amanda and Lisa tour the garden; Lisa has been an invaluable asset for us in working with and understanding city ordinances!

The CCA refrigerated truck that makes runs between the food bank and CCA food pantry spreads the word about the garden, as seen in the photos shown here (above and below).

Jessica and Crystal organic gardening friends sharing two plots.

Going green....the Maynards don their new garden Ts.

Madison helps Lori harvest tomatoes.
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