There are 12 girls total in Troop 621.
Troop leader Joanne tells us about these amazing young gardeners...
Troop 621 is a Junior Girl Scout Troop composed of 4th and 5th graders from Lewisville schools. Junior's are in between Brownies and Cadettes. There are 5 levels of girl scouts from Daisies to Senior girls. Some of our girls have been in scouts since 2nd grade. Others just joined our Troop this past August.
A Girl Scout is a girl who honors the 3 parts of the Girl Scout Promise that guide their values. They work on projects that are fun, and help people in their communities. Girl scouts also learn skills that help them become better people and future Leaders. Scouts go on field trips, go camping, and work together as a group toward a common goal. They also earn badges for the projects they have completed. Our Troop has completed arts and crafts, cooking, fitness, making jewelry, child care, swimming, math whiz, etc., and we sold over 1200 boxes of cookies this year!
I (Joanne) personally have made a hobby of gardening since childhood. Some of the girls have gardens at home some do not.
I decided to start gardening with OTCG because it was a great opportunity to grow fruit and veggies with my girls to not only earn badges and a Bronze award, but to give to others the most basic necessity of food. We are also getting to experience the joy of planting and watching things grow. Of course, the real reward will come later when we get to eat what we harvest.
The best thing so far is spending time with my Troop and my kids and watching them learn how difficult and rewarding gardening can be.
When not gardening, I am a really hooked on any kind of Arts and Crafts project.
Stop by and meet the Gardeners from Troop 621!
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